If your plan is to do some marine boating then planning ahead is essential.  Marine boating, whether in a sail boat, skiff, kayak or large power boat presents its own unique hazards so, be prepared. The ocean is a large body of water and conditions can change rapidly from a calm, sunny, summer day to extremely high winds and waves.  Caution and planning can make the difference between an enjoyable day and a terrifying experience. Below are some tips to help make your ocean journey a fun and memorable time.

Tips For Safe Boating

1) Check the weather forecast before heading out on the ocean. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) marine weather forecast is an excellent place to begin. It’s best if you have a NOAA Weather Radio with you to remain updated to weather hazards in the area where you will be boating. These radios are very affordable and are available in all styles and sizes. In order to check the weather ahead of time go to National Weather Service.

2) Be prepared for cold water and understand the dangers. In If cold water conditions, it’s best to wear a dry suit or at the least a wet suit. This is especially true if you are kayaking, canoeing or in a small sailboat where the chances of overturning are more probable. Cold water can disable you very quickly.

3) Always wear your life jacket and be certain that anyone with you is wearing their life jacket as well.  Also, check your life jacket for correct size and buoyance.

4) Nautical waters are very tricky.  Always check the tide schedules.

5) Remain closed to land, especially if you are inexperienced. If a change in weather conditions occurs, this will allow you to get to shore quickly. Marine boating in areas that have several islands allows you to have a great adventure while remaining near land.

6) Watch out for spouts.  Enjoy the marine mammal life but don’t get too close.  Injuries can occur to both your craft and the mammal.

7) It’s important to know the rules in any harbor where you will be boating.  Buoys and other markers are there to guide all boats safely when entering and leaving harbors.

8) If you are fishing, be certain to know the rules in that area for any possible catch.


Marine boating offers a great adventure. It’s important to play it safe and have an enjoyable time, Because… Things Happen.  Also, if you need to get information on boat insurance call your FAPCO agent.