Contact an agent for an insurance review

Each year, our customers get an email from us, asking you to conduct an annual insurance review. Here are some reasons to reply to that email and make sure you have the coverage you need.

Coverage Accuracy

Make sure that you are getting the coverage that you expect to have.  The coverage you  purchased years ago may not meet the requirements that you need today.

Coverage Gaps

Ensure that you are not missing insurance coverage. This can help identify a piece of jewelry, or any other high ticket item that you would like to insure. There could also be a new circumstance in your life that requires changes to your coverage.

Change Limits

There may be times when you may want to change your limits. For instance, a new teen driver could increase your liability exposure. Your current limits may not be enough.

Identify Available Credits

You may think you have already obtained the most credits for your policy, but doing the review will help identify if there are more available to you.  Possibly you have your home insurance with us, but purchased a new vehicle and decided to place it with another agency.  If you were to move the auto insurance policy and combine it with your home insurance policy, you would be eligible for a credit.  There are numerous credits available and the review is one way to find out.

Confirm Accurate Contact Information

This is the last item on the list, but is just as, if not more important than the others.  The reason we always try to keep your contact information up to date is so you we will be able to contact you with timely information, such as promotions.  As more and more people move to using e-mail for their everyday use we want to make sure we have an accurate e-mail address for you. This is used for interaction regarding your policy. Also we may occasionally send out other information to all customers regarding promotions, agency news, or even office closures. So having the most up to date information can be very helpful.

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