If you have a dog, you are responsible for it. If it bites someone, you may be liable for the damages. Make sure you are properly insured.  Also, follow the tips outlined below to keep your pet safe and keep yourself from facing any unnecessary liabilities.

If my dog bites someone, am I liable?

Dog biting stick

It is possible, depending on the circumstances, so be sure you are aware of your local laws and are properly insured.

MMG Insurance summed it up well:

“Dog bites can be devastating, especially if it involves a young child, and they happen more frequently than you might think. While some breeds of dogs can be more prone to bites, any dog, large or small, under the right circumstances can bite someone and do extensive damage.  If you are a dog owner,please keep the following tips in mind.

• Always supervise young children when around dogs. Never leave them unattended in the same room and keep them at a safe distance if at all possible.
• If your dog has a history of bites, you should consider putting the pet down or giving it to someone who has an environment better suited to the dog. Always inform of the dog’s history of bites or you could be liable to the new owner should the dog bite them.
• Be sure to tell your insurance company you have a dog and what the breed is. Failing to do so can jeopardize liability coverage should the animal bite someone.
• If you have strangers over, be sure to keep them at a distance until the dog becomes familiar with them.
• Always keep your dog on a leash or run and don’t allow it to leave your property unless it is with you and under your control.”

With these tips and the right liability insurance, dog bites should be less of a worry! Contact your agent with any questions.