Check out the Health Services Charity Auction, tomorrow night, May 18th, at York’s of Houlton at 7:00 pm.  The Health Services Foundation is celebrating its 30th anniversary of providing funds for health care needs at our local hospital.  Local businesses and artisans have donated time and money to give items for the auction.  Elizabath Dulin, the Foundation’s Executive Director, says, “There is just so much talent here and to be able to showcase this wealth of creativity is an honor for me personally, and also humbling that these individuals are so willing to give what has been created with their heart to support their hospital.”

Funds raised through this event will help in the purchasing of nine pieces of equipment to benefit seven departments at Houlton Regional Hospital.  Departments receiving upgrades will be acute care, the emergency department, dietary department, operating room, laboratory, labor and delivery and the pharmacy.

For a list of items being auctioned, visit the Health Services Foundation’s website here.