The holidays provide the best opportunity to celebrate festively with family and friends. From seasonal office parties to intimate family gatherings, it’s likely you will attend a range of holiday events. It’s also likely that alcohol will be present.

To ensure your holiday season is a safe and special occasion, please remember to be responsible. Do not drink and drive. Keep in mind that during the holidays there are more drivers on the roads, making it crucial to be extra careful.

Below are a few helpful tips to keep you, your family and others safe this holiday season:

Designate a Driver:  The safest choice – and the smartest – is to refrain from consuming alcohol if you plan to drive at all. If you plan to drink, choose a designated driver ahead of time, who agrees not to drink, and is responsible for safely driving you and others home.

How Much is Too Much:  If you choose to drink responsibly, how can you determine your limits? Use the simple one-to-one rule: have one standard drink per hour. A standard drink is defined as:

One 12-ounce beer

One 5-ounce glass of wine

One mixed drink with 1.5 ounces of liquor

Be a Smart Host:  Remember that if you are hosting a holiday gathering, you are liable. Here are some tips for serving alcohol at a party:

Measure the amount of alcohol used in mixed drinks

Stop serving at least one hour before the party ends: If someone overindulges, it is your responsibility as the host to keep them from driving; arrange for a ride or offer them a place to stay.

Don’t Mix:  Prescription drugs or over-the-counter remedies, such as cold medications, when combined with drinking may affect your driving. Follow the directions and warning labels on all medications carefully.

Drinking responsibly is simple.  If you drink, do not drive. The safety of you and everyone else on the road depends on your good judgment. From all of us at F.A. Peabody Insurance, Happy Holidays!