Spring has finally arrived! Our agency is happy to see winter behind us – we are looking forward to a warm spring! Do you have spring fever yet? If so, it may be time to get ahead on spring cleaning at home.

Once your home begins to scream SPRING, it may be time to call our insurance agency for a quick update on coverage. Your homeowners insurance should be updated at least once a year – the spring season is a good time to do so. Whether you have recently remodeled or installed an in-ground pool for the summer, your policy should reflect these changes.

Here are 10 tips to get you started:

  1. Have your roof inspected for possible damages from winter wear and tear. 
  2. Clean your yard of excess leaves and debris. 
  3. Rake your garden and re-soil your flowerbeds. 
  4. Go green at home – from green cleaning products to purchasing CFL bulbs. 
  5. Clean out the pantry, closets, and drawers. 
  6. Take down heavy winter curtains and put up light and airy ones for a fresh look. 
  7. Clean the air filters in your home, before you start using the A/C. 
  8. Seal any leaks and keep insulation up to par. 
  9. Add some fresh flowers to your home. 
  10. Break out the spring decor – pastels and bright colors, please!